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Discussion on Tsunamis

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Progressive Member
Progressive Member

Joined: 26 Jan 2003
Posts: 43

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:44 pmPost subject: Discussion on Tsunamis Reply with quote

Dear SefI Members,

Please allow me to initiate a discussion
on Tsunamis. This is not related to any project as such but is aimed to
increase my knowledge about this relatively less known phenomenon amonst
the structural engineering community.

I have few questions about it.

1. How is the design earthquake arrived at for Tsunamis?Unlike
earthquakes that occur over land & is attenuated / amplified /modified
by soil or bedrock ,Tsunamis waves travel over water.

2. Is there any Indian code that gives the seismic coefficients or any
formulations to arrive at the wave velocity?

3. Do we have to look into Japanese literature to know more about how to
design structures to resist Tsunamis?

I gathered some information about Tsunamis from the "Seismic Design
Handbook by Farzad Naeim" I would like to share it with everyone.

"It has been suggested that a structure could be designed to resist
tsunami waves. Special consideration would be needed to minimize the
effects of a Tsunami. First ,the major axis or long dimension of the
building should be oriented parallel to the expected direction of the
wave. A building with this orientation would have a minimal surface area
that could be attacked by the on -coming waves. In addition ,the
building will have greater strength to resist the wave forces because of
greater amount of structural stiffness providing resistance along the
major axis. Consideration should also be given to leaving the lower
portion of the building completely open which would greatly reduce the
total load applied to the structure from the Tsunami wave."

With Regards

Amit Dutt

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