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About International Co-operation...

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Joined: 26 Jan 2003
Posts: 278

PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 1:00 pmPost subject: About International Co-operation... Reply with quote

Dear All:

I quote here from NY Times

"How Scientists and Victims Watched Helplessly" by By ANDREW C. REVKIN ,
Published: December 31, 2004

*****........For the scientists in Hawaii, at the planet's main tsunami
center, who managed to send out one of the rare formal warnings, there was
intense frustration. They had useful information; they were trained to get
word out; but they were stymied by limitations, including a lack of
telephone numbers for counterparts in other countries....******

Much as one is very upset by our IMD's erratic and reprehensible
performance, the bungling of the MHA/Ministry of Science in the past 48
hours, I am even more shocked by the American scientists' claim that they
had no contact nos. to warn people of the impending doom.

好吧, so perhaps they did not. But in such an event, was it not possible to
atleast call up Pentagon/President's Office and have them talk directly to
the Heads of the various vulnerable countries? I simply do not buy their
的故事。如果沟通有一个坚强的意志,they would have found a

It appears to me one more reflection of the total selfishness of a powerful
State. They just did not try hard enough to get across the message. These
were not US lives at stake (most of them anyway). And then they expect us
to share their outrage when they experience a 9/11 situation. It is little
wonder that most of the affected countries have declined help from the US.
They possibly hold them partially responsible, at least for gross
negligence. I believe the affected South Asian countries do not even want
to have an international Tsunami Warning system but a regional one. No
points for guessing why.



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