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Daily Digest Sun Aug 15 23:02:25 2004

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Joined: 26 Jan 2003

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 2:01 amPost subject: Daily Digest Sun Aug 15 23:02:25 2004 Reply with quote

16 August, 2004

The rehab code is a step in the right direction. However, it needs the following modifications to make it more user friendly:

1. All terms used in the code should be defined properly (remember wise old Socrates who said:'the beginning of all wisdom is the correct definition of all terms').

2. The code should have more explanatory sketches.

Re.: welding on existing structures -- this need not be banned outright as suggested by Mr V.P. Agarwal. Sometimes welding of rebars may be the only solution to retrofit a structure. The point to note that welding should be done by a qualified welder under the watchful engineer who knows how welding is to be carried out. The rehab code could include such provisions.

Indrajit Barua

On Sun, 15 Aug 2004econf@www.buonovino.comwrote :

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Joined: 26 Jan 2003
Posts: 214

PostPosted: Mon Aug 16, 2004 4:32 amPost subject: Daily Digest Sun Aug 15 23:02:25 2004 Reply with quote

While drafting the code, we must keep in mind that most of the building stock
in India is non-engineered. Many of the buildings, supposedly designed by
Engineers may not pass rudimentary checks for seismic design.

Secondly, methods of construction vary across the country. Recently, I was
惊喜地find that Census of India, not only counts the
population but also records methods of construction and the condition of
buildings district-wise. A look at the latest figures of Census 2001 shows
that, given the diversity of building types, any attempt at extending the draft
code to cover all of them would be a humongous task.

It is difficult to imagine that a comprehensive document with 'legal' status
can be produced any time soon. May I therefore suggest that, in its first
cycle, the draft code should cover the following in general terms, without
getting into details of construction:

1. Performance levels
2. Methods of analysis (Linear/non-linear, static/dynamic)
3. Acceptance criteria

Based on these parameters, Research Institutes / Engineers can then work out
methods of retrofitting for various building types.


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