neeraj1712 SEFI Member
Joined: 26 Jan 2003 Posts: 18
Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 9:37 amPost subject: Daily Digest Tue Aug 17 23:02:29 2004 |
Dear fellow structural engineers,
I have been following the proceedings of this e-conference and congratulate all who participated for sharing their valuable views. although I have not been able to go through the draft code fully but I would like to share following points on the issue 1) As we all are aware that there is a lot of change in seismic code 1893-2002 from its earlier version and the buildings designed following the earlier code may not be safe as per the latest code . Does this mean all such buildings need strengthening. This is all the more important where the construction is taken up in phases where addtional storeys are to be added to existing buildings now as per the original design. 2)In my view I feel that if a client asks a structural engineer to evaluate his building and suggest strenghening if needed than one may encounter any of the following type of structures:- a) Un-engineered Buildings ie. the Buildings which were not designed by any qualified engineer and for which no record of design and drawings are available. b) Buildings designed for loads only but not for any Seismic code or detailing.Most masonry buildings and some RCC structures up to Six or seven soreys built in last decade or so fall in this category. c) RCC Frame structures Designed as per Previous Code ie. IS1893-1984 but not detailed properly as per IS13920. d) RCC Frame structures Designed as per Previous Code ie. IS1893-1984 and detailed properly as per IS13920 In my view this code should provide specific guide lines in dealing with each of above cases. 3)建议,它将非常中央h benificial if maximum case studies corresponding to each of above category of buildings are included with in the code or sparately in the form of a special publication or commentory.
Er. Neeraj Gupta M.E. Str.Engg.
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