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Closing statement from the Moderator.

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SEFI Member
SEFI Member

Joined: 21 Apr 2008
Posts: 15

Post发布:太阳2004年8月22日,34Post subject: Closing statement from the Moderator. Reply with quote

Dear All:

We have had an enlightening e-conference on draft code for "Seismic
Evaluation & Strengthening of Existing Buildings". Participation in the
conference meant a lot of work: downloading and reading the proposed code.
But apparently a lot of us are interested in the field of retrofitting and
went that extra mile.
Retrofitting is a huge industry internationally and the time had come for
India to have its own independent code on the subject. The GSDMA-IITK
project on Review of Codes provided an occasion to formulate such a code.

This e-conference has seen some very insightful and important comments - If
one is to enumerate some of them:

a) Need for more sketches and illustrations
b) More references for testing, energy dissipation devices and isolation
c) Foundation Retrofit measures
d) Methodology and systems for information collection
e) Need for Evaluation and Assessment forms
f) Expanded Section on Definitions and Terminology
g) Need to address Steel Buildings
i) More discussion on Performance Levels, Analysis Methods, Acceptance
j) Differentiation of Types of Buildings based on original Design
Criteria-Originally non-engineered, engineered for gravity loads only or
designed for earthquakes as pr an earlier code
k) Database Creation of Common Inadequacies
l) Use of Brick infill panels for strength consideration.

This is by no means an exhaustive list but is indicative of the queries and
doubts that were generated. Most participants were happy with the draft as a
first cut on this important issue.
Dr Durgesh Rai has addressed some of the above issues and I am sure he and
his team will review the suggestions again and incorporate what is
合适的。在behalf of the SEFI community I once again congratulate him
and his team for this tremendous effort.

In view of the keen interest evinced by SEFIans, we have great pleasure in
announcing another e-conference. This e-conference is on the "Proposed
Revisions to IS 1893 and IS 13920". Again, you may download these directly
from NICEE websitewww.nicee.org. The econference will be from September
20th to 25th. We hope this gives you time to download and read the

With best regards,

Pankaj Gupta

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