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Pre engineered steel buildings-A risk for engineers

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 11, 2012 6:13 pmPost subject: Pre engineered steel buildings-A risk for engineers Reply with quote


Subject: Pre engineered steel buildings-A risk for engineers

I.S. Chauhan

(I S Chauhan & Associates)

Contact No:9899261600

Office Address :

SCO 30,1st Floor,HUDA Complex(Jail Land),

Sohna Chowk Gurgaon122001

E-mail : is.chauhan08@gmail.com,is.chauhan@rediffmail.com

Start of attached email. Subject: Pre engineered steel buildings-A risk for engineers
Dear Sir,

Pre engineered steel buildings are now extensively being used in ware house . Host of companies are mushrooming nowadays each boasting of providing the best solution for. Nevertheless the users are mostly illiterate or layman in the field. The learned engineers are being scapegoat under players, architects and manufactures. My concern is that manufacturers are overlooking serviceability requirement of IS 800, as well as the loading standards as laid in IS: 875.

An structural engineer involved in design is bound to issue certificate in a format prescribed by authority. Please comment whether you are satisfied with the practice. If you feel free kindly guide me how an structural engineer can be absolved from responsibility of structural safety norms not being followed. I am facing problem in all of the projects. Actually clients are not ready to afford extra cost, when already quoted substandard by manufacturer.

Manufacturers represent AISC or MBMA to support their claim. National building codes, which shall prevail in my opinion law of land should govern in case of happenings , like failure of building. Even structural engineer involved in design is bound to issue certificate in a format prescribed by authority


IS Chauhan



I………………………………….do hereby undertake and certify that the Structure building at plot no……………………PH/SEC………………………..has been designed and constructed in accordance with the Latest edition of National Building Code of India and prevailing relevant codes of Bureau of Indian standard for Structuralstability of building at above plot to Sustain impact of earthquake in zoneIV. The Structure is found safe for the purpose it has been designed.

I.S. Chauhan

(I S Chauhan & Associates)

Contact No:9899261600

Office Address :

SCO 30,1st Floor,HUDA Complex(Jail Land),

Sohna Chowk Gurgaon122001

E-mail : is.chauhan08@gmail.com,is.chauhan@rediffmail.com

End of attached email

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Joined: 09 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:54 amPost subject: Check if PEB Manufacturer design meets MBMA IBC 2006-2010 Reply with quote

Dear Mr. Chauhan,
Your first concern :
"Manufacturers represent AISC or MBMA to support their claim."
What manufacturer claims that their PEB design meet requirements of
MBMA Design Manual based on IBC 2006/2010.This means their design meetIBC 2006 which requires meeting codes AISC 360-05, AISC 341-05, ACI 318-05/08 (For Anchor Bolts and Foundations). If the project is in USA, this is all we require and will check if his PEB design meets requirments of latest/applicable MBMA Design Manual. After checking this design,I as a license Structural Engineer (S.E.) will Sign and Seal those drawings and issue them for construction. No problem.
Your second concern:
Project is in India and manufacturer of PEB is"overlooking serviceability requirement of IS: 800, as well as the loading standards as laid inIS: 875. "
If the project is in India, his PEB design has to meet IS: 800-2007 and IS: 875 requirements also.NO EXCUSE.Do not accept the design if that is the case.Have him submit calculations based on IS:800-2007 and IS 875.
In my opinion this is very unlikely that US Codes (MBMA/IBC 2006-2010) are less stringint in serviceability and Loads than IS:800 and IS: 875. Make sure thats the case.

Your third concern: Risk to Structural Engineer for certifying this manufacturers
PEB design.
First do not certify this PEB design if you have doubts about meeting design codes.
Second in USA this risk is covered by INDEMNITY (Liability) legal insurance:
我的年代ure your firm carries INDEMNITY (In USA Called Liability Insurance) legal Insurance in case some thing goes wrong with this PEB structure. Client need to get his money back including losses due to any law suits.


Vasudeo Pandya P.E. ; S.E.
Structural Engineer
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