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Clause 7.9.2 of IS:1893

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Rudra Nevatia

Joined: 26 Jan 2003
Posts: 214

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 6:17 amPost subject: Clause 7.9.2 of IS:1893 Reply with quote

It is proposed to change Clause 7.9.2 of IS:1893 which presently reads as

The design eccentricity, edi to be used at floor i shall be taken as:

edi = 1.5esi + 0.05bi or
esi - 0.05 bi

whichever of these gives the more severe effect in the shear of any frame


esi = Static eccentricity at floor i defined as the distance between centre of
mass and centre of rigidity, and

bi = Floor plan dimension of floor i, perpendicular to the direction of force

NOTE - The factor 1.5 represents dynamic amplification factor, while the
factor 0.05 represents the extent of accidental eccentricity

The proposed change envisages changing factor 1.5 to 1.0 and factor 0.05 to

My understanding of the clause in its existing form is as follows. Please
correct me if I am wrong.

In its general form the expresion for edi should read:

edi = A*esi + B*bi

因素占扭转的可能的耦合al and lateral modes of
vibration and depends on the ratio of frequencies in the two modes. As this
ratio approaches 1, resonance will set in. Hence a multiplier of 1.5 on esi.
FEMA relates factor A to the extent of torsion irregularity and in extreme
case, this factor can reach up to 3!

Factor B accounts for possible variation of ground motion along the width
of building. Obviously, the factor can take a positive or negative value.

Two extreme cases are possible:

1. Torsional coupling occurs and accidental eccentricity is in the same
direction as the static eccentricty which is reflected by the first
equation of the present clause

2. Torsional coupling does not occur and the static eccentricty is in the
direction opposite to the static eccentricty which is what the second
part of the equation implies.

The proposed change would wrongly

- ignore the effect of coupling of lateral and torsional modes

- give benefit of reduction in torsional shear

May I therefore suggest that the clause be retained as it is.

Rudra Nevatia

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alpa_sheth at vsnl.com

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:27 amPost subject: Clause 7.9.2 of IS:1893 Reply with quote

Dear All,
I too have concerns about the proposed revision to Clause 7.9.2 of IS:1893
but for different reasons:
I feel that the revision from 0.05 to 0.1 bi unnecessarily and perhaps
unconsciously punishes perfectly symmetrical structures.
ASCE 7-02 also has min torsional design mom based on actual torsion (Mt) +
that caused due to displacement of mass by distance of 5% of dimension of
structure perpendicular to direction of seismic force (Mta). In higher
seismic zones, Mta is to be multiplied by a factor of ((max
displacement/(1.2* avg displacement)) ^2.
Thus for a perfectly symmetrical structure, where max displacement = avg
displacement, Mta would be based on eccentricity of 5% * (1/1.2)^2= 0.69
or very roughly 3.5% eccentricity.
On the other hand, the proposed revision to IS 1893 will increase the
accidental torsion from 5% bi to 10% bi for perfectly symmetrical structures

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2004 11:33 AM
Subject: [Econf] Clause 7.9.2 of IS:1893

SEFI e-Conference on Proposed Revisions to IS:1893 & IS:13920 from
September 20 to 25, 2004

It is proposed to change Clause 7.9.2 of IS:1893 which presently reads as

The design eccentricity, edi to be used at floor i shall be taken as:

edi = 1.5esi + 0.05bi or
esi - 0.05 bi

whichever of these gives the more severe effect in the shear of any frame


esi = Static eccentricity at floor i defined as the distance between
centre of
mass and centre of rigidity, and

bi = Floor plan dimension of floor i, perpendicular to the direction of

NOTE - The factor 1.5 represents dynamic amplification factor, while the
factor 0.05 represents the extent of accidental eccentricity

The proposed change envisages changing factor 1.5 to 1.0 and factor 0.05

My understanding of the clause in its existing form is as follows. Please
correct me if I am wrong.

In its general form the expresion for edi should read:

edi = A*esi + B*bi

因素占扭转的可能的耦合al and lateral modes of
vibration and depends on the ratio of frequencies in the two modes. As
ratio approaches 1, resonance will set in. Hence a multiplier of 1.5 on
FEMA relates factor A to the extent of torsion irregularity and in extreme
case, this factor can reach up to 3!

Factor B accounts for possible variation of ground motion along the width
of building. Obviously, the factor can take a positive or negative value.

Two extreme cases are possible:

1. Torsional coupling occurs and accidental eccentricity is in the same
direction as the static eccentricty which is reflected by the first
equation of the present clause

2. Torsional coupling does not occur and the static eccentricty is in the
direction opposite to the static eccentricty which is what the second
part of the equation implies.

The proposed change would wrongly

- ignore the effect of coupling of lateral and torsional modes

- give benefit of reduction in torsional shear

May I therefore suggest that the clause be retained as it is.

Rudra Nevatia

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Joined: 26 Jan 2003
Posts: 134

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 7:58 amPost subject: Clause 7.9.2 of IS:1893 Reply with quote

Hello Madam Alpa

you yourself (being administrator of SEFI) did not follow the following

* Please delete the message you are responding to from the body of your
email so as to limit the size of the email.


Mukesh Upadhyay

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alpa_sheth at vsnl.com

PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2004 8:11 amPost subject: Clause 7.9.2 of IS:1893 Reply with quote

Yes, I agree and plead guiltySmile)))
But I think what we really mean is that if there is a loooong thread of
讨论一个话题我们不应该carry all of the thread in the reply so
as to limit email size. Retaining the most recent email on the topic in the
reply is desirable so that people know the reference of the reply.

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