desai_nsu SEFI Member

Joined: 26 Jan 2003 Posts: 5
Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2004 11:56 amPost subject: Need for Computational procedure/design aids |
Dear all,
I have the following comments on the Proposed Revisions to IS:13920
1) Title of the code is "Code of practice for ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic forces". But the code is not limited to detailing alone. There are many design aspects covered by the code, like, calculation of design shear force, strong column weak beam concept etc,. It may be more appropriate to have the title as "Code of practice for ductile design and detailing of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic forces". As Ah Bs Bh 2) Clause 6.3.3 stipulates that the values of Mu, Mu, Mu and Mu are to be calculated as per IS:456-2000. ANNEX G of IS:456-2000 is useful for design of doubly reinforced section whereas the requirement under clause 6.3.3 of IS:13920 is calculation of moment of resistance of a given doubly reinforced section.
The computational procedure to be followed to find the value of moment of resistance of doubly reinforced section may be included in IS:13920 as an annexure which will help all the structural Engineers and ensure uniformity.
Computations being iterative in nature, suitable design aids in the form of moment of resistance factors will be a good alternative.
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