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IS:1893: More observations

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rkingle at rediffmail.com

PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2004 9:20 amPost subject: IS:1893: More observations Reply with quote

Few more observations:

Clause  Vertical Projections

If the code gives some guidelines on the ratio of mass of these projections vs mass of building, it will more appropriate. many peoples are constructing towers (mobile etc.), swimming pools etc. on the roof. If the ratio is more, there will be coupling effect of these secondary systems, which may affect the response of primary system.

Clause 7.11.1  Storey Drift Limitation

It means for the building dynamic analysis is required to calculate the appropriate fundamental time period, in order to satisfy the drift limitations.

Clause 7.8.1  Note:...

Whether this clause means any height of irregular building dynamic analysis is recommended.

Clause 7.8.1 a) & b)

How the values of height 40m, 90m, 12m has arrived at?

Clause 7.7.2  Notes  2)

Slab beam RC floors  can be taken as rigid diaphragms.  It will have some relation to the ration of stiffness of  column (Shear walls in high rise buildings) and slab.

Note 1)

Will the flexible diaphragm will show rigid body displacement?  There will be localize displacement.

R K Ingle


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