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aparnakanda at yahoo.com

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2004 5:37 pmPost subject: Welcome to the Discussion Forum for the "SEFI-GoD In Reply with quote

Dear All,

1.) The delay in distribution of the material by GoD was because the officer incharge, Mr. Sanjay Jha ( some of you have met him during the training programme in Delhi, June 2004) was away in the US attending a training. He is back in office now, and has promised to get the material copied and distributed asap! He can be contacted at 23919170. Alternatively, please ask for Akhilesh Surjan in Mr. Jha's office, or Aslam Perwaiz in UNDP - 24332388

2.) Spoke to Mr. Narayan Swami ( Secretary Home - GoD), and he has promised to come up with a list of buildings for the pilot assessment project in the next week or two. He has also asked the new Engineer-in-Chief of PWD Delhi to get involved in this initiative. Once a list of buildings is ready, DDMA would call for another meeting of the people who have come forward to be part of the Consortium, to decide allocation of buildings, and quickly go ahead with the assessment, as decided earlier. Each building identified would be accompanied by a small team of government engineers from the department/agency responsible for the maintenance of the building, that would work along with the private structural engineering firm for assessment and possible retrofitting of the building.

Best Regards,

skjain@iitk.ac.in wrote:
Dear colleagues:

I hope you have now received some of the resource materials we sent
to Delhi Govt for onward sharing. I will now like to send some more
materials. However, before I do so, I want to know if the materials

I will not like to burden the colleagues with too many documents
unless they find them useful.

With best regards,


Sudhir K. Jain
Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur 208 016, India

Phone: 91-512-2597867 (off), 2598367/ 2590583(home)
Fax: 91-512-2597866 (preferred), 2597395

On Wed, 4 Aug 2004roark.sol@spectranet.comwrote:

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome aboard the Discussion Forum/email-list meant for the members of the
consortium for the SEFI-GoD Initiative on Seismic Evaluation & Retrofitting.
Although a bit delayed due to technical snags, it is a good start as it
coincides with the eConference that SEFI is organizing between Aug 9-14,
2004 on " the draft code for Seismic Evaluation & Retrofitting of Existing

The SEFI website now contains a whole webpage on this Initiative, tracing
the need, history & chain of events of this Initiative, and also a seperate
page for the online viewing of the messages posted to this forum.

The resource material has arrived from IIT-Kanpur, and will be sent tomorrow
to Mr. Sanjay Jha's office for copying & distribution to all the members. It
is an informative & exhaustive set of documentation on this topic. Everybody
is requested to go thru the documentation thoroughly, alongwith the
documentation they already have from the Workshop.

We hope that shortly, UNDP & GoD would identify & finalize the lifeline
buildings in Delhi for the Pilot projects. In this regard, I would request
representatives of UNDP & GoD, to post to this forum, the progress made in
this matter.

I would also request all the members of this consortium to air their views &
suggestions on how to best procceed with this initiative, as was discussed
on the meeting of June 26,2004. For posting to this forum you should send an
email tosefi-god@www.buonovino.com. Right now all the members have been
subscribed as to receive each individual email that is posted to this forum.
If anybody wants their settings to be changed to "Daily Digest", or change
their email ID for subscription to this forum, or wants to unsubscribe,
please send an email toroark.sol@spectranet.comwith your request.

I hope everybody will enthusiastically participate in this forum & more
importantly to this very crucial Initiative.

With best regards

Pankaj Gupta

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