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"SEFI-GoD Initiative"

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Joined: 26 Jan 2003
Posts: 473

PostPosted: Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:08 amPost subject: "SEFI-GoD Initiative" Reply with quote

Dear Aparna,
The allocation of these projects should be taken up at the earliest
since the task for GOI is a marathon one-- we hav too many buildings and
God only knows how much time! We do anticipate substantial inputs will
be provided by us in getting it checked by another structural consultant
as well GOI engineers and I hope our inputs will be covered, I know
Pankaj might disagree with me, but I firmly believe that no input unless
charged, is ever treated with regard and besides, as a professional
通常免费得到一个较低的优先级time and quality wise.
However, the severest problem plaguing our profession and requiring
urgent attention from GOI decision makers is to push Engineer's bill so
that we have a license to practice; this is essential not only to
regulate our profession at large, but also to safeguard our interests in
Post-WTO scenario.
I request you to pl take it up as part of UNDP with GOI at appropriate
level as u may deem fit.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 2004 11:25 PM
Subject: [SEFI-GoD] Re: [SEFI-GoD] Welcome to the Discussion Forum for
the "SEFI-GoD Initiative"

Dear All,

1.) The delay in distribution of the material by GoD was because the
officer incharge, Mr. Sanjay Jha ( some of you have met him during the
training programme in Delhi, June 2004) was away in the US attending a
training. He is back in office now, and has promised to get the material
copied and distributed asap! He can be contacted at 23919170.
Alternatively, please ask for Akhilesh Surjan in Mr. Jha's office, or
Aslam Perwaiz in UNDP - 24332388

2.) Spoke to Mr. Narayan Swami ( Secretary Home - GoD), and he has
promised to come up with a list of buildings for the pilot assessment
project in the next week or two. He has also asked the new
Engineer-in-Chief of PWD Delhi to get involved in this initiative. Once
建筑的列表准备好,概貌卧室uld call for another meeting of the
people who have come forward to be part of the Consortium, to decide
allocation of buildings, and quickly go ahead with the assessment, as
decided earlier. Each building identified would be accompanied by a
small team of government engineers from the department/agency
responsible for the maintenance of the building, that would work along
with the private structural engineering firm for assessment and possible
retrofitting of the building.

Best Regards,

skjain@iitk.ac.in wrote:
Dear colleagues:

I hope you have now received some of the resource materials we sent
to Delhi Govt for onward sharing. I will now like to send some more
materials. However, before I do so, I want to know if the materials
we sent earlier were found useful.

I will not like to burden the colleagues with too many documents
unless they find them useful.

With best regards,



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