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E conference on tall buildings

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SEFI Member
SEFI Member

Joined: 13 Mar 2018
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:55 pmPost subject: E conference on tall buildings Reply with quote

�Dear sir/ madam ,

�������������� ���It is good to have discussion session on IS :16700-2017 , the following are my queries, requesting �Draft team �and other members �to share views �/� give clarity .

1.������ �����Clause 1.6 of IS:16700� will state that “ in case of conflict , clauses given this standard shall be applicable “,� �the following are the conflict with IS 1893-2016

A.����� �Damping ratio of concrete as per� clause 6.2.24 of IS :16700 is 2% whereas it is 5% as per 7.2.4 of IS :1893, �is this reduction of damping ratio’s having any relations with building heights.

B.����� ��Lateral Drift ratio for factored load combinations limited to �H i/250 in �clause� 5.4� of IS :16700 �whereas �the same drift limits in Is :1893 clause7.11.1� is w.r.t service load combination with� factored �cracked section prosperities .
Apart from that �this �drift ratios are not specified w.r.t� structural system in IS:16700� , shall we follow H/250 ��irrespective of structural system �if no �irregularities.
2.����Structural system �vs� Height limitations
Can we get the clarifications for treating� the following systems as secondary /� low-grade or ��treating as �equal in lateral load resisting systems ����w.r.t� other �systems ��

a. Structural walls with moment frames �w.r.t� structural walls located at core
b. Well distributed walls �w.r.t�� to Structural walls with perimeter systems
c. Structural walls with Moment frames w.r.t� Structural walls with perimeter frames . is �perimeter frames indicates nominal frames or �deep beams.

with regards,

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