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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:22 pmPost subject: No Title Reply with quote

�A series of investigations carried out by CECRI, (the results of which have been confirmed by the National Building Organisation, New Delhi, and the Central Building Research Institute, Roorkee) show that Indian Pozzolana cements offer less protection to steel subjected to aggressive conditions. Some recent foreign publications also suggest a cautious approach in using different pozzolanic cements. The durability factor for PPC is found to be 0.5 when compared to the OPC concrete. But if the use of PPC cannot be avoided the "Inhibitor" formulation developed by the CECRI may be used to improve the resistance of PPC concrete to a considerable degree�.

Views of cement manufacturing companies:

Pozzolana cements are much more durable, corrosion resistant and has every (best possible) things in their Pozzolanic cement products. And trying to get the approval from government to use the PPC in government projects.

Please put some light on this topic please



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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:22 pmPost subject: No Title Reply with quote

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:23 pmPost subject: No Title Reply with quote

Preliminary Earthquake Report
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver,USA

A strong earthquake occurred at 08:56:00 (UTC) on Saturday, October 23, 2004. The magnitude 6.6 event has been located in NEAR THE WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN. (This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.)

80 km (50 miles) SSW of Niigata, Honshu, Japan

195 km (120 miles) NNW of TOKYO, Japan

Felt Reports 151 buildings destroyed and 2,607 damaged in Niigata Prefecture. A high speed train derailed; several roads, bridges and rail lines damaged; at least 90 landslides and 11 fires occurred; several gas, water and power lines damaged in Niigata Prefecture. Felt in Chiba, Fukushima, Gumma, Kanagawa, Miyagi, Saitama and Tokyo Prefectures.

Tectonic Summary

Location Maps:

NEIC Moment Tensor Solution
Historical Seismicity
Theoretical P-Wave Travel Times
Phase Data
Seismic Record Section
Earthquake Information for JAPAN

With best wishes to all.
Engr.Sikandar Hayat Siddiqi
Project & Seismic Design Management Engineer
Co-ordinator,Earthquake Anti-disaster Defence Management System Initiative (EADMSI)
Dhaka - Bangladesh/Asia
Radio Link International E-mail

-------------Original Message-----------

To:sikandarsiddiqi@yahoo.comSubject: Quake in JapanFrom:alpa_sheth@vakilmehtasheth.com Date:Tue Oct 26 17:53:24 2004

alpa_sheth@vakilmehtasheth.com wrote:Dear All,

I thought this would be of interest to all of you. From AP (courtesy EERI website)



October 25, 2004 -- OJIYA, Japan � Tens of thousands of people huddled in emergency shelters yesterday after a series of earthquakes in northern Japan flattened homes, toppled bridges and derailed trains, killing at least 23 and injuring as many as 2,000.
A 6.8-magnitude quake rocked the largely rural Niigata prefecture Saturday evening, rattling buildings as far away as Tokyo.

Several strong quakes followed through the night, and aftershocks jolted the area early this morning, one a magnitude of 5.6.

The government said 23 people were killed and 1,232 were injured.

Public broadcaster NHK, citing hospital data, said more than 2,000 were injured.

The dead included five children, the youngest a 2-month-old.

The quakes tore apart highways, burst water and sewage mains, and knocked out power to nearly 300,000 homes.

Some 61,000 people, many of them elderly, had to be evacuated.

Hospitals were so overwhelmed, the injured were being treated in the hallways.



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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:23 pmPost subject: No Title Reply with quote

Preliminary Earthquake Report
World Data Center for Seismology, Denver,USA

A strong earthquake occurred at 08:56:00 (UTC) on Saturday, October 23, 2004. The magnitude 6.6 event has been located in NEAR THE WEST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN. (This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.)

80 km (50 miles) SSW of Niigata, Honshu, Japan

195 km (120 miles) NNW of TOKYO, Japan

Felt Reports 151 buildings destroyed and 2,607 damaged in Niigata Prefecture. A high speed train derailed; several roads, bridges and rail lines damaged; at least 90 landslides and 11 fires occurred; several gas, water and power lines damaged in Niigata Prefecture. Felt in Chiba, Fukushima, Gumma, Kanagawa, Miyagi, Saitama and Tokyo Prefectures.

Tectonic Summary

Location Maps:

NEIC Moment Tensor Solution
Historical Seismicity
Theoretical P-Wave Travel Times
Phase Data
Seismic Record Section
Earthquake Information for JAPAN

With best wishes to all.
Engr.Sikandar Hayat Siddiqi
Project & Seismic Design Management Engineer
Co-ordinator,Earthquake Anti-disaster Defence Management System Initiative (EADMSI)
Dhaka - Bangladesh/Asia
Radio Link International E-mail

-------------Original Message-----------

To:sikandarsiddiqi@yahoo.comSubject: Quake in JapanFrom:alpa_sheth@vakilmehtasheth.com Date:Tue Oct 26 17:53:24 2004

alpa_sheth@vakilmehtasheth.com wrote:Dear All,

I thought this would be of interest to all of you. From AP (courtesy EERI website)



October 25, 2004 -- OJIYA, Japan � Tens of thousands of people huddled in emergency shelters yesterday after a series of earthquakes in northern Japan flattened homes, toppled bridges and derailed trains, killing at least 23 and injuring as many as 2,000.
A 6.8-magnitude quake rocked the largely rural Niigata prefecture Saturday evening, rattling buildings as far away as Tokyo.

Several strong quakes followed through the night, and aftershocks jolted the area early this morning, one a magnitude of 5.6.

The government said 23 people were killed and 1,232 were injured.

Public broadcaster NHK, citing hospital data, said more than 2,000 were injured.

The dead included five children, the youngest a 2-month-old.

The quakes tore apart highways, burst water and sewage mains, and knocked out power to nearly 300,000 homes.

Some 61,000 people, many of them elderly, had to be evacuated.

Hospitals were so overwhelmed, the injured were being treated in the hallways.




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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:23 pmPost subject: No Title Reply with quote


Dear Alpa,
It is indeed quite unfortunate and seems to have caught them on the wrong
foot! However prepared they may have been, the statistics are quite shaking
and still more nerve rattling is a thought which bothers most of us--what
would be our fate under similar conditions?
----- Original Message -----
Message From
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:29 PM
Subject: Quake in Japan

Dear All,

I thought this would be of interest to all of you. From AP (courtesy EERI



2004年的10月25日——OJIYA,日本——thousands of people huddled in
昨天在紧急庇护所series of earthquakes in northern
Japan flattened homes, toppled bridges and derailed trains, killing at
least 23 and injuring as many as 2,000.
A 6.8-magnitude quake rocked the largely rural Niigata prefecture Saturday
evening, rattling buildings as far away as Tokyo.

Several strong quakes followed through the night, and aftershocks jolted
the area early this morning, one a magnitude of 5.6.

The government said 23 people were killed and 1,232 were injured.

Public broadcaster NHK, citing hospital data, said more than 2,000 were

The dead included five children, the youngest a 2-month-old.

The quakes tore apart highways, burst water and sewage mains, and knocked
out power to nearly 300,000 homes.

Some 61,000 people, many of them elderly, had to be evacuated.

Hospitals were so overwhelmed, the injured were being treated in the



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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:23 pmPost subject: No Title Reply with quote

The Islands of Japan lie on a ring of seismically active plate boundaries that surround the Pacific Ocean known as the Ring of Fire. Earthquakes throughout Japan are caused by the relative motion of several major and minor tectonic plates including the Pacific plate, the Philippine Sea plate, the Okhotsk plate, and the Amur plate. Earthquakes result from slippage on the interface between the plates and on faults some distance from the plate's boundaries. This thrust earthquake, of October 23rd 2004, occurred within the Okhotsk plate about 350 km west of the Japan Trench where the Pacific plate subducts beneath the overriding Okhotsk plate. Within the last 30 years, there have been several significant earthquakes in region nearby this earthquake. These include a June, 1964 magnitude 7.4 quake to the north and an April, 1995 magnitude 5.4 quake that occurred 90 km to the north. Since 1900, the country of Japan has suffered nine devastating earthquakes . These include the 1923
magnitude 7.9 earthquake that triggered the great Tokyo fire and the more recent 1995 6.9 Kobe earthquake .
With regards to you.

Engr.Sikandar Hayat Siddiqi
Project & Seismic Design Management Engineer
Co-ordinator,Earthquake Anti-disaster Defence Management System Initiative (EADMSI)
Dhaka - Bangladesh/Asia
Radio Link International E-mail

----------Original Message----------

Posted via Email
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:23 pmPost subject: No Title Reply with quote

Dear All,

I thought this would be of interest to all of you. From AP (courtesy EERI website)



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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:23 pmPost subject: No Title Reply with quote


Dear Alpa,
It is indeed quite unfortunate and seems to have caught them on the
foot! However prepared they may have been, the statistics are quite
and still more nerve rattling is a thought which bothers most of
would be our fate under similar conditions?
----- Original Message -----
Message From
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:29 PM
Subject: Quake in Japan

Dear All,

I thought this would be of interest to all of you. From AP
(courtesy EERI



2004年的10月25日——OJIYA,日本——thousands of people
huddled in
昨天在紧急庇护所series of earthquakes in
Japan flattened homes, toppled bridges and derailed trains,
killing at
least 23 and injuring as many as 2,000.
A 6.8-magnitude quake rocked the largely rural Niigata prefecture
evening, rattling buildings as far away as Tokyo.

Several strong quakes followed through the night, and aftershocks
the area early this morning, one a magnitude of 5.6.

The government said 23 people were killed and 1,232 were injured.

Public broadcaster NHK, citing hospital data, said more than 2,000

The dead included five children, the youngest a 2-month-old.

The quakes tore apart highways, burst water and sewage mains, and
out power to nearly 300,000 homes.

Some 61,000 people, many of them elderly, had to be evacuated.

Hospitals were so overwhelmed, the injured were being treated in


Structural Engineers
Forum of India

Structural Engineers Forum
of India



Message From ssbadwaik@yahoo.com
Subject: construction methodolgy
Date: 28/10/04
Time: 21:27:17
Dear Sefians,

Is there any book available on the actual construction procedures
carried out on site. ie from foundation upto completion of the
such as how to check the vericality of columns formworks, beam ;
horizontal surfaces, centre line of buildings etc actually carried out
on site.




Message From sikandarsiddiqi@yahoo.com
主题:地震在日本Deta技术信息il -
Part 1/ 8 Techtonic Summary
Date: 28/10/04
Time: 22:38:56
Dear Engr.Alpa Sheth, Mumbai,India

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:23 pmPost subject: No Title Reply with quote

The Islands of Japan lie on a ring of seismically active plate
boundaries that surround the Pacific Ocean known as the Ring of Fire.
Earthquakes throughout Japan are caused by the relative motion of
several major and minor tectonic plates including the Pacific plate, the
Philippine Sea plate, the Okhotsk plate, and the Amur plate. Earthquakes
result from slippage on the interface between the plates and on faults
some distance from the plate ;s boundaries. This thrust earthquake,
of October 23rd 2004, occurred within the Okhotsk plate about 350 km
west of the Japan Trench where the Pacific plate subducts beneath the
overriding Okhotsk plate. Within the last 30 years, there have been
several significant earthquakes in region nearby this earthquake. These
include a June, 1964 magnitude 7.4 quake to the north and an April, 1995
magnitude 5.4 quake that occurred 90 km to the north. Since 1900, the
country of Japan has suffered nine devastating earthquakes . These
include the 1923
magnitude 7.9 earthquake that triggered the great Tokyo fire and the
more recent 1995 6.9 Kobe earthquake .
With regards to you.

Engr.Sikandar Hayat Siddiqi
Project ; Seismic Design Management Engineer
Co-ordinator,Earthquake Anti-disaster Defence Management System
Initiative (EADMSI)
Dhaka - Bangladesh/Asia
Radio Link International E-mail

----------Original Message----------

Posted via Email
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 3:23 pmPost subject: No Title Reply with quote

Dear All,

I thought this would be of interest to all of you. From AP (courtesy
EERI website)


Structural Engineers Forum
of India



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