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drying shrinkage cracks

This forum is locked: you cannot post, reply to, or edit topics.This topic is locked: you cannot edit posts or make replies.Thank Post www.www.buonovino.com Forum Index->E-conference on Durability of Concrete - Feb 27 to March 11 - 2012
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SEFI Regulars
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Joined: 15 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 7:18 pm文章主题:干燥收缩裂缝s Reply with quote

Dear Sefians,
Can any one throw light on what should be the exact de shuttering time for Beams and slabs in case of RMC concrete ? In the recent scenario of speedy construction contractors are wants early de shuttering as they want maximum repetitions of their formworks in short time. Does it also leads to reduce the durability of concrete? They generally rely upon cube strength which is not practically acceptable as the curing of cubes and site differs to a great extent.
I have seen at many site when RMC delievers at site it has already reached in plastic stage which leads to plastic shrinkage cracks which . As this has become a routine site persons have started to take it lightly. This can also reduce the durability.
We should also discuss on solutions of problems related to RMC like how and when to attend repairs to drying shrinkage or plastic shrinkage cracks. I am sure most of us are facing the same problems. Can any one suggest what is the best method to repair these cracks?

Vijay shah

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SEFI Member
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Joined: 10 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:36 am文章主题:干燥收缩裂缝s Reply with quote

Mr. Vijay Shah,

你的问题我们一个看起来很有趣的re very seriously working now with builders and contractors in exactly providing a set of instrument and sensors which could provide you the information on the strength achieved by the poured concrete. There is many benefits as the construction process is now very fast and there is a possibility of early de-shuttering. Please go through the article in the recent issue of NBM & CW (http://www.nbmcw.com/articles/concrete/concrete-strength-test/28073-in-place-concrete-strength-and-temperature-the-science-of-maturity.html�)

You are most welcome to have your further doubts if any

Nagesh B S
Samhitha Innovations

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 6:48 AM, vijaydshah forum@www.buonovino.com)> wrote:

Dear Sefians,
Can any one throw light on what should be the exact de shuttering time for Beams and slabs in case of RMC concrete ? In the recent scenario of speedy construction contractors are wants early de shuttering as they want maximum repetitions of their formworks in short time. Does it also leads to reduce the durability of concrete? They generally rely upon cube strength which is not practically acceptable as the curing of cubes and site differs to a great extent.
I have seen at many site when RMC delievers at site it has already reached in plastic stage which leads to plastic shrinkage cracks which . As this has become a routine site persons have started to take it lightly. This can also reduce the durability.
We should also discuss on solutions of problems related to RMC like how and when to attend repairs to drying shrinkage or plastic shrinkage cracks. I am sure most of us are facing the same problems. Can any one suggest what is the best method to repair these cracks?

Vijay shah

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SEFI Member
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Joined: 09 Nov 2010
Posts: 8

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:37 pm文章主题:干燥收缩裂缝s Reply with quote

Dear Vijay,
To reduce shrinkage cracks following points should be kept in mind:
1. Use the lowest amount of mix water required for workability; do not permit overly wet consistencies.
2. Prevent rapid loss of surface moisture while concrete is still plastic through use of spray applied finishing aid or plastic sheets to avoid plastic Shrinkage cracks. Try to cover concrete immediately after casting it, with polyethylene sheet.
Kindly find the attached file for material recommended widely for crack repairs.
I hope that above information will help you.

With Regards,
Murtaza Kagdi.
Dubai, UAE.

On Sun, Mar 4, 2012 at 5:18 AM, vijaydshah forum@www.buonovino.com)> wrote:
Dear Sefians,
Can any one throw light on what should be the exact de shuttering time for Beams and slabs in case of RMC concrete ? In the recent scenario of speedy construction contractors are wants early de shuttering as they want maximum repetitions of their formworks in short time. Does it also leads to reduce the durability of concrete? They generally rely upon cube strength which is not practically acceptable as the curing of cubes and site differs to a great extent.
I have seen at many site when RMC delievers at site it has already reached in plastic stage which leads to plastic shrinkage cracks which . As this has become a routine site persons have started to take it lightly. This can also reduce the durability.
We should also discuss on solutions of problems related to RMC like how and when to attend repairs to drying shrinkage or plastic shrinkage cracks. I am sure most of us are facing the same problems. Can any one suggest what is the best method to repair these cracks?

Vijay shah

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