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Joined: 09 Nov 2009 Posts: 841
Posted: Sun Jul 09, 2017 6:20 pmPost subject: LATERAL LOAD CAPACITY OF SLANTED SHEAR WALL IS A QUESTION . |
Dear Er.Jaher Wasim, All experience Architects know typical ACCEPTABLE LETERAL LOAD RESISTING STRUCTURAL FRAMING SYSTEMS . Some of common types are : 1) FULL MOMENT FRAME BUILDING 2) COMBINED MOMENT FRAME AND SHEARWALL SYSTEM , BUILDING 3) STEEL BRACED FRAME BUILDING . 4) STEEL MOMENT FRAME WITH CONCRETE SHEAR WALL BUILDING , 5)剪切WALL ONLY WITH GRAVITY LOAD ONLY COLUMNS, BUILDING . No where in these STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS you have a SLANTED SHEAR WALL used . It is not a question of what SOFTWARE ( ETABS , STAAD ) you can use, both software can do a slanted wall but the question is ACCEPTABLE STRUCTRAL SYSTEM . Let Sr. Architects on your project show you a project/building where aSLANTED SHEAR WALL is used to resist LATERAL LOADS of a 10 story building. Do not accept any thing and everything thrown at you by Architects to design. Question it . If you have no lateral load coming to this wall and this is just like CLADDING , then yes you can have a slanted wall but not a slanted SHEAR WALL .
Vasudeo Pandya P.E. Structural Engineer |