ibarua General Sponsor
Joined: 26 Jan 2003 帖子:1039
Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:02 amPost subject: Daily Digest Tue Dec 28 23:00:02 2004 |
29 Deceember 2004
Re.: Killer Tsunami - Prof. ARC's open letter ---------------------------------------- 1. No, Professor Chandrasekaran, you are NOT senile. Senility has come to those at the helm of the IMD and the DST. Unfortunately, our scientists tend to behave like bureaucratic counterparts in the IAS and similar services -- like ostriches.
2.政府咕d only for inflating the currency and deflating our purchasing power.
3. Investing in early warning systems now is much like locking the stables after the horses have bolted.
4. Even if we have early warning systems built at tremendous cost to the taxpayer, these may not work, especially if bad things happen in the dead of night when everyone including those manning the warning systems are at home fast asleep. Warning systems operated by the government will work only if the event happens during normal office working hours -- 10 AM to 5 PM excluding the lunch break from 1 PM to 2 PM -- on working days, holidays excluded.
5. I would love to see the notings on the government files wherebythe powers be decided NOT to install early warning systems in the Indian Ocean, where, by the way, most of the disturbance like huricanes, typhoons and earthquakes occur. There is no accountability in government, not even if your sins result in the deaths of thousands of people.
Indrajit Barua.
[quote]Message From for_prof_arc@hotmail.com Subject: Killer Tsunami - copy of an open letter written to Govt Date: 28/12/04 Time: 11:21:08 ---------------------------------------------------------
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